About Me

Hi there! I'm Manuel Bojato, software developer and open source lover from Colombia

Although being devoted to programming, I am a Mechanical and Electronics engineer from the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia. In spite of that, I also love history, astronomy, geography, a little bit of vexilology, videogames (mostly RTS / FPS) and robotics, being the latter my long term goal.

I started in the programming world by pursuing a hobby of modifying real-time strategy (RTS) games in order to gain knowledge for a career as a video game developer. I spent a few years collaborating for an Age of Empires III mod adding new nations and 3D models (yes, I also tried doing some modeling) then I left it because I started studying at the university.

I had the opportunity to do some robotics at the end of my college career, participating in a sumo robot competition (which I didn't win) and programming a Hexapod robot to avoid obstacles using an Arduino Mega, whose source code for movements (and other stuff) is available at this repo.

About my professional experience

Been a software developer for almost two years, mainly in the area of web development, both in FrontEnd and BackEnd. Half of that time I've worked in the office and the other half remotely (which I prefer).

TBD: More about experience and "portfolio"

About this site

I decided to make my own site in order to publish blogs on the technologies I use both at work and in my free time as well as to talk a little bit about myself in a more informal way …

As you already guessed, you will find blogs on various programming tecnologies and tools in order to enlight others with my grateful experience and suffering when facing some weird bugs on dev and also put some journey notes on my on-going learning path of new trends cough Nim cough.

This blog will be separated by tech so you can quickly filter based on your taste and if looking to hire an awesome dev for you team, do not hesitate to reach me out.